Kahu Whakatere provides a tikanga Māori process for tūpāpaku throughout Aotearoa.

We lead iwi, hapu and whānau into restoring tikanga Māori practices in the deathing, death and after death process. 

We support whānau to journey alongside loved ones in a way that honours both ancestors and Papatūānuku. Firmly grounded, Kahu Whakatere empowers the use of sustainable practices when managing tupapaku, revitalises the weaving of whariki, woven harakeke mats, Te Reo Māori me ona Tikanga, Karanga, Karakia, whaikorero, waiata, and strengthens and promotes wairuatanga embedded in matauranga Māori for future generations

Who we are

Kahu Whakatere Whānau

Honouring Te Ru Koriri Wharehoka’s years of learning te reo Māori me ona tikanga, Maata nurtured the seed born from her husband’s death in 2007, and has supported over 150 whānau through the Kahu Whakatere process these last 15 years. Her children, mokopuna and whānau are ready to grow the legacy.

contact us

How can we tautoko you and your whānau?